Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Perfect Woman (Part I)

People often ask me, "Ray, when it comes to women, what's your type?" Easy question. Usually drunk, lonesome, with nowhere to turn. Orphans, a lot of them or "on the run". Sometimes homeless. Oh! They mean what type of girl am I attracted to. There's the type of girl that I am attracted to and the type of girl that I can attract and land. One has very little bearing on the other. But just for the hell of it let's talk about the former in a four-part extravaganza.

Contrary to popular belief, I do consider a female's personality to be the most important selection criteria. So Part I will consist of the twenty most important personality characteristics.

20. She should be feisty and preferably crafty. I would be quite disappointed if my wife were to just put up with my shit. I want her to be argumentative. I want her to cut me down on a fairly regular basis, when I am being ridiculous. I want a fighter. If she fights with me then I know that she thinks I'm worth fighting for. Besides, I love to argue. It's probably my favorite past time. I'd also prefer she be somewhat good at arguing in both her tactful approach to it and her passion for it. I don't want to be able to whoop her in arguments all the time like I do with so many other people in my life. I'm talking to you Nick, Rosie, and Andrew. Non-feisty people/non-confrontational people (or pussies as I like to call them) will do just about anything to avoid an argument. I want my girl to step right in with Sissy Spacek and Gina Gershon ready to go. That's right...I also want my girl to name her fists. And it's not just me that I don't want her to take shit from...I don't want her to take shit from anyone. Of course, I as the man will stand up for her in any altercation. But I also want to have to hold her back lest she fuck some bitch up. Nobody likes a pushover. I want her to let most things roll off her back, but when somebody is seriously pushing her around or taking advantage of her I want her to stand her ground.

19. She must be supportive. While I want her to argue with me and yell at me when I'm being an idiot; I also expect her to be supportive of the person that I am, the needs that I have, and the goals that I want to achieve. I've had countless football games, ComedySportz matches, track meets, theater shows, and stand-up sets that few if any of my friends/love interests have ever taken an interest in. When I am taking on any public endeavor be it recreational, occupation, or even legal, I would like her to take an active interest in it and provide support with her presence and her enthusiasm both during these endeavors and in preparation for them. She also has the right to expect that this is a two-way street, and that I will, of course, do this for her. I would also like her to be supportive and receptive of my ideas for "us". I'm not saying that if I recommend moving across the country so that we can become ranchers she should support that. I'm also not saying that if I want to have a threesome she should support that. I'm saying that if I want to try various social experiments to improve our relationship and ourselves as people by stepping out of our comfort zones I would like her to be on board.

18. She has to be tough. This might sound a little like feisty but I assure you that they are completely different. I expect her to be a tough chick and I mean this within both the physical and mental arenas, although one is more important than the other. I would prefer that she be physically tough but that isn't totally necessary. I'm obviously not going to hit her or anything but a girl who can deal with pain the way a man is expected to is extremely sexy. This is part of the reason that I have a thing for girls with tattoos. I know that they can handle themselves. What I really care is that she is mentally and emotionally tough. This is probably one of the areas that I excel at most and I would like her to as well. I probably get insulted, be it well meaning or malicious (or my dad's well-meaning and malicious combo insults), about 20-40 times a day. Some days it's significantly more. Most of it is not of the malicious variety but it is of the variety which other people would find to be quite hurtful. The reason that I am buffeted as often as I am is because I have shown that I have built up a tolerance and can handle it and therefore criticism of me gets the green light. I find it very annoying when people who are criticism-prone themselves take offense too easily. I say a dozen things that I probably shouldn't every day. I'm not saying that it's OK...I'm just saying that it's who I am. I have no desire to walk on egg shells around a girl so at least 50% of the offensive junk I say or do can't even register with her much less make her angry.

17. She can't be the jealous type. I just got through typing that I don't want to have to walk on egg shells around a girl. Sometimes you don't even have to do anything wrong to get in hot water with your lady. They just have to perceive your actions as less than on-the-level. These are often the jealous types. I have absolutely no use for them. There has to be a certain level of trust in a relationship, and I expect that unless something is clearly done to violate that trust, that it is maintained. I would like to be able to associate with other females without suspicions abound. I don't just mean jealousy in this regard though. I mean it in the deepest sense of the word. I want my girlfriend/wife to be able to be happy for other people when they accomplish something. Thou shalt not covet and all that good stuff. This is of course impossible. We are all at some juncture going to envy the good fortunes of our friends and associates. We might even be suspicious of our mate at some juncture. I'm not saying that isn't OK...I'm just saying you have to lock that shit away. Lord knows I will...there is nothing wrong with keeping things secret. Which will also lead me into my next desire.

16. She must be guarded and mysterious.
I hear people say all the time how a good relationship has no secrets. Bunk. Bunk I say. Every single person on this planet, bar none, has things that they keep in the dark recesses of their heart that they share with only themselves. This might not be a good thing but it is an unavoidable axiom of human behavior. I'm just asking that she use this axiom to her advantage. Keep tons of things from me, there is no reason I need to know everything about her, especially all up front. The best way to keep the relationship fresh is to keep each other guessing, and the best way to do that is to slow play our reveals. I think it would be awesome if I was dating a girl for eight months and then one day out of the blue I find out at a farmer's market that she speaks fluent Spanish. Almost intentionally hide information about yourself in order to reveal it at a later stage in a very flashy and showmanesque way. Women claim to love a mysterious man. Well, I want a mysterious woman.

15. She has to have life skills. I appreciate girls who are independent and useful. For a great girl...I'd be more than happy to do anything for her. But a great girl can do things for herself. I don't care what these skills are as long as they exist. If she is a great cook, that's fantastic. However, I would also be impressed by a girl who could change her oil, solve a Rubik's cube, pick a lock, or field dress a deer. At some juncture in the future (next week) I will be talking about Generation U (or Generation Useless) wherein which we as a society are losing our Renaissance Man or Woman life skills. I want to be with a girl who takes pride in her ability to do things others can't. When I electrocute myself and need CPR I don't want her to have to wait for paramedics. I also would like her to be able to teach me some of these things and let me teach her some. I can teach her how to change her oil or change a tire. Hopefully, she can teach me how to ski. And even though I'm an excellent cook...it's such a broad skill I'm sure we could both teach each other a few things.

14. She must be a good negotiator. Knowing females as I do, this basically means: willing to negotiate. Oftentimes, arguments are a zero sum game: for every inch somebody gains, the other party loses that inch. I want her to be interested in the concept of having both parties walk away satisfied. I could consider myself a stubborn person, but the truth is that my stubbornness is directly proportional to the stubbornness of the person that I am dealing with. If I see myself making some sort of progress using a "give a little to get a little" strategy I immediately will go with that approach. Otherwise, it's going to be a tug-of-war. I want my girl to not be a pushover, but also to care that I am getting a fair shake. She has to be able to walk that line. However, it's not just about me. I want her to have this mentality when dealing with friends, family, enemies, strangers, and frienemies alike. Whoever, she is negotiating with should see her as confident in her stance yet sympathetic to the needs of the other party.

13. She must be "needy" but not "clingy". You might be wondering what the difference between these two is. Normally, "needy" is used negatively to describe people. I prefer to think about it in a different light. I want her to be "needy". If she doesn't need me then what are we doing together. If she can fulfill all that I provide with a vibrator and a pen pal then our relationship is worthless. I want her to need me a lot. I want her to lean on me heavily. Being needed will make me feel important and I could use that in my life. That being said, I don't want her to be "clingy". My presence shouldn't be necessary constantly. Relationships need time together and proximity to grow but they also need time apart. Even with married couples, you should never spend more than an average of eight waking hours a day with a person. This breeds resentment and the lack of a singular identity. She needs to have friends and enjoy hanging out with them and respect that the same should be true of me. It doesn't matter if I like her good girlfriends, but she has to have them. A girl without close girlfriends should send up some serious red flags. In summation she should want to lean heavily on me but still be highly functioning and happy without me.

12. She must have uncommon interests.
Common interests are way over-rated. They say that we're together because we're compatible, we like the same stuff, and because it's easy. Well, I don't want our relationship to be easy. Logan Echolls told me that they don't write love songs about the ones that come easy. Or maybe I saw that on a fortune cookie. Either way, I will know that she loves me if she wants to play golf or watch Russell Crowe movies despite having little independent interest in these things. And I want her to drag me to things that I have little interest in and appreciate them. New and exciting experiences await and how am I going to know that things like scrapbooking and horseback riding aren't great unless I have a chick to make me take an interest in these thing? I think we should both be taking an active interest in the other person's passions. After two months I'll probably expect her to know the starting lineup for Xavier men's basketball. And if this means that she'll expect me to be able to name the Real Housewives of Orange County then so be it. We shouldn't be compatible from the get go. It will be infinitely more rewarding if we work towards making ourselves compatible.

11. She must be horny.
I want this girl to be revved up and ready to go on a regular basis. I talked a few points ago about negotiation. This should be no negotiation necessary. She shouldn't want to get her freak on to please me...she should want to do it to please herself. Contrary to what sitcoms playing situations for comedic purposes have insinuated, no man has ever turned down sex within a relationship. We are always willing. Consent is a one-way street unless the male is Mormon or has erectile dysfunction. A healthy sexual relationship is mostly dependent upon having a female who is regularly "in the mood". Part of this desire stems from my dislike of asking for things. I have no problem accepting favors or gifts from people, but I don't like to ask for them. I'd be exceedingly more comfortable with a sexually aggressive woman who wants to be all up on me without a moment's notice. It would also be gratifying to know that she finds me arousing. I'm not just talking about sex. I could go for some of that "Hair Action" that those Axe commercials are always talking about. I'm not just looking for a girl who wants sex, sex, and more sex. I'm looking for a girl who is comfortable with physicality and gives into these needs on a consistent basis. All she needs to do is give me the "Come Hither" look.

10. She must be intelligent. Guys often catch a lot of flack for not expecting much in the way of brains from our women as long as their hot. This isn't an unfair stereotype. It usually goes that the hotter a woman is the less brains she can get away with. You could easily plot this phenomenon on a line graph. However, different men would have different slope gradients on this chart. Assuming that hotness is in the X-axis...my gradient is a little steeper than most. If you didn't follow that then you aren't the perfect woman and you might be on the wrong side of that slope. I want a woman who knows things. I play a lot of bar trivia. I want a girl who can contribute knowledge to my vast bank. This means intelligent in every sense of the word: book smart and street smart. I could use a girl whose well-read, bi-lingual, and with solid spacial reasoning skills. Life is about learning and the more I can learn from a potential mate the more desirable she becomes. Now due to my sensitive ego, I'm not sure I want her to be smarter than me. But considering I think I have an IQ of about 217 (that's right, scores do go over 200) that still allows her to be pretty damn smart.

9. She has to have a high tolerance for bullshit.
I'm a lot to handle. I dare say I can be infuriating at times. I expect her to be able to put up with all of my inane nonsense and annoying pet peeves. I'm not saying I expect her to be quiet about it, but it can't be allowed to affect her mood in any real or serious way. I am more than willing to fix myself for the right girl, especially the perfect girl. However, it will be a lot easier if she is willing to put up with a certain amount of lunacy. This is something that I don't feel that bad asking for because despite the fact that I have spent the last several paragraphs crafting the perfect woman, I can handle a lot of faults and would easily accept a girl who is 5 for 20 on this list. Hence why my "type" and my "type" don't often match up. A high tolerance does not mean that she has to put up with all of my ugly traits. It just means that she has to be able to deal with them constructively. I think that I possess a good deal of adaptability and if she wants to change me it can be done. There just has to be the right combination of stick and carrot used on her end. They say that girls like bad boys because they think that they can change them and they're looking for a project. Allow me introduce myself as an excellent project to undertake. I'll allow a girl to mold me to her desires...she just can't get her panties in a bunch about the inevitable failures that will occur along the way.

8. She must make a good mother and want kids. Call me far-sighted. I don't know where I see myself in five years, however, I can see myself in twenty or so. And when I see myself in twenty years, I see children. I think it's important that people have compatible life goals even in the early stages of a relationship. I know a ton of people who are in relationships while knowing that they aren't going to end up with that person. Different strokes for different folks...but I consider this a waste of time. I'm not going to use somebody as a placeholder in my life. I would never enter into a relationship if I didn't think that I could ever marry that person...and I don't think that I could ever marry someone who didn't want kids. I don't care if she can't have kids. We can adopt. But I want to raise kids. The only reason that this item isn't further down the list is because I'm convinced I can lull any girl into motherhood eventually. The desire to have kids is something that evolves over time. Many girls might think that they don't want to have kids now...but give them ten years and the baby crazy usually sets in. The baby crazy has already gotten a hold of me. When I see an adorable baby there's a piece of me that wants to snatch that baby for my own. So gird your children, new parents. And for a more in depth look at how I plan to raise children...wait for an upcoming post.

7. She has to have a sense of humor.
I have always been madly attracted to funny woman. Girls who can make me laugh are incredibly hot on a certain level. People constantly say that a sense of humor is the most important thing. They are often lying, it almost never is the most important thing. If I thought it was it would be at #1 and not #7. But it is extremely important. I don't even buy into the fact that she has to be uproariously funny. She just has to be able to see the humor in things. She has to be able to laugh at me and she has to be able to laugh at herself. This shows a certain light-heartedness. If you will learn one thing about me from reading this blog it might very well be that I enjoy some good hijinks, some prankage, and some tomfoolery. I would like her to appreciate these things as well. A good couple will have many great holiday traditions that they enjoy. We will enjoy April Fool's Day. I want her to have fun at my expense and I want her to be able to appreciate that I might like to do the same. If she is a hilarious chick, I will be totally turned on. However, if she's just an average chick that has a good attitude about humor...well, I guess that's pretty hot too.

6. She has to be adaptable. Charles Darwin said that it is not the strongest member of a given species that is able to survive, but rather the one that is most easily able to adapt. I'm looking for a survivor. I place a very high value on somebody's ability to go with the flow and be comfortable in any environment. At it's most basic level, this is every guy's dream. The prototypical dream girl is the one that can be "0ne of the guys" during the football game, but that then is able to transform into a very feminine presence when you enter the bedroom. This is only sort of what I'm going for. I want a girl who is functional and comfortable in all sorts of environments. I want her to be one person when my best friend comes to dinner, another person when my boss comes to dinner, and yet another when my mom comes to dinner. Lord knows I change myself to interact within the dynamics of these different relationships. She doesn't need to be a drastically different person but subtle changes are normal and represents that she has a deeper understanding of tact within different settings. On a more real and desirable level I actually want her to be able to adapt to unwelcome changes that come her way. I want her to be able to deal with adversity. When we make plans and then are thrown a curve ball I want her to be able to sidestep the obstacle by slightly altering the plan rather than scrapping the plan like so many people are inclined to do.

5. She has to be a great conversationalist. One could assume that this ties in heavily to my stipulation that she be intelligent, but it really is so much more than that. Being a good conversationalist combines equal parts of about seven or eight skills...only one of which is intelligence. At it's core at least three Pillars of the Lush Life (which we will begin to chronicle next week) are tied into becoming a better conversationalist. Intelligence helps but it's also about being open and inviting, being tactful, being interesting, being outgoing, being a good listener, and being skilled at reading other people so as best to control the flow of conversation. It is a true art that requires lots of skill and I want her to make it seem effortless. I consider myself to be a good conversationalist, but not a great one. There are certain skills within that set I could be better at. I want my girlfriend to be a great conversationalist because the only way you can go from being a good conversationalist to being a great conversationalist is by communicating with great conversationalists. And I would like to get to great. The only problem with finding a girl who is a great conversationalist is that they are a hot commodity. A truly great conversationalist is the type of person who has a cult of personality built around them. Everybody wants to be their friend and they don't stay on the singles market for long, regardless of physical appearance. I'll have to strike while the iron is hot. Note that great conversationalists also never have to resort to phrases like "strike while the iron is hot". They coin phrases that become cliches.

4. She has to be emotionally vulnerable but stable. This is a very tricky tightrope walk. I'd say it's one that only about 20% of the female population can do effectively. It requires women to wedge themselves into a certain "Safe Zone" of a long and complicated spectrum. At one end of the spectrum we have the "Robots". These are women who are closely guarded and who swallow all emotion and sentiment and lock it deep down where only they can find it. This group encompasses approximately 25% of women to varying degrees leading up to the "Safe Zone". If I can play amateur psychologist...these women have probably been hurt deep before and are too jaded and proud to let anybody know what bothers them. To be fair, while the spectrum is different for men, this is the category that I would place myself in. I don't know that I'd say that I am a "Safe Zoner". Then on the other end of the spectrum we have the "Heart Sleeves". As the name would imply, these women wear their hearts on their sleeves. These women make up about 55% of the population. They are emotional. They are volatile. They are the reason that we have stereotype of the loose-cannon woman who is an emotional wreck that men make PMS jokes about. They are Cathy from the cartoon strip of the same name. I want a woman who can walk the line and fit right into that safe zone. I want her to let me know when something is bothering her, but not let me know everything that is bothering her. For such a wicked formula it can be broken down by a simple platitude: If it's something that is going to still bother you when you wake up tomorrow please let me know. If it's not then it's best to just let it roll off your back.

3. She has to love herself. For the longest time I always thought the most important requisite for any girl that I was in a relationship with was that she loved me. That's what they tell you in school. Find somebody who loves you for you. I'm not sure which class that was in, but it always felt like one of those school lessons. Maybe because it was preachy and obnoxious like multiplication tables. I've found that I do best with people who don't really even like me. Barely tolerating me is where I am at my best. If there is one thing that you will learn about me from this blog it is that I love myself. I love myself a lot. And I feel fairly confident that I will love myself enough for the both of us. However, it's going to be fairly hard for me to love my girlfriend enough for the both of us if she is actively working against my love by not loving herself. There is an icebreaker question that is often asked at job interviews and AA meetings: What don't you like about yourself? I want my girl to have a very short list. It doesn't have to be an empty list. Everybody should see room for improvement in themselves, but she should be fairly satisfied with the person that she is. Self-esteem is a beautiful thing and I want the girl that I'm dating to know how beautiful she is.

2. She has to be considerate of others. This actually means a lot less than you would think, but is also rarer than you would expect. By this I don't mean that she has to act on others behalf as this phrase has come to mean in our current lexicon. Anybody who does something mean or self-serving is immediately branded inconsiderate. I am totally alright with my girlfriend acts in a self-serving manner (I'd be a little freaked out if she didn't). I just want to know that she considered the needs and feelings of others. Acting on them is less important. I just want to know that she thought through all of the information available when making a decision. I would like her to be charitable and care about others but one thing that I can't abide by is someone who is so self-absorbed they don't even see the potential ramifications that their decisions have on other people. I just want her to put on other people's shoes when making decisions. If she then says "Fuck these shoes" and does her own thing...I can work with that. If I know that the needs and feelings of others are being considered when she is making decisions, I can then evaluate those decisions and work on things from there. If others aren't even being considered, then fixing poor decision making isn't going to be an option. That's something that is very hard to teach.

1. She has to be open-minded. I want her to have a broad world view. I mean this in every sense of the word. I want her to be open-minded politically and religiously. It's OK to have deep-seeded beliefs, but she should be able to see the value in diverging points of view. She should be open-minded sexually. It's more than OK to have hard-forged sexual boundaries, but I want her to give thought to the value of alternative sexual experiences. On this same vein...I want her to be adventurous. I was considering making that an important stipulation, but I realized that I don't need her to actively seek and initiate adventure...I just need her to be open-minded and receptive to adventures that I propose. And when I say I want her to be open-minded I mean that I want her to say "Yes" to most of my ideas that are marginally reasonable. I want her to experiment with the unknown. I don't include drugs in the unknown, we had scientists experiment with those. They're bad. But I want her to experiment with new adventures and ideas and relationships. I want her to push herself to grow and develop in the most dynamic way that a human being can and bring me along for the ride. At the very least as I push myself to grow and develop in the most dynamic way that a human being can, I want her to let me bring her along for the ride.

Hold on for Part 2 of this series which is currently slated to arrive on November 14th.

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