Thursday, July 7, 2011

Podcast: America - Where's It At?

To celebrate the 4th of July and the 235th Birthday of this great nation of ours, I have invited some friends onto the podcast to tear this great nation apart by kicking out the states that aren't pulling their weight. Not all states were created equal and five of them are about to get their comeuppance. As per last month's podcast, this one is also available in three downloadable audio formats that you can download to your computer or iPod as well as the video format that you can watch on the blog. [NOTE: Major Spoiler Alert for anybody who has not seen The Godfather and The Godfather Part II. Burrows spoils Part I, so I had to swoop in and spoil Part II.] There is also a three minute section in the middle where the audio warps and we sound like a bunch of  Darth Vaders. This is only present on the video file. The audio files are A-OK.

Here is the .wma file:

Here is the .mp3 file:

Here is the .wav file: .WAV file coming soon.

And here is the embedded video:

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